Dear readers,
Having written a short post yesterday, I didn´t intend to blog today. However, while looking at other people´s blogs (Christina´s organicgardendreams) I came upon Garden Bloggers´ Bloom Day hosted by Carol from May Dreams Gardens. Liking the idea a lot, I decided to participate. I´d like to share some pictures of my new garden, which as some of you might already know, I took over from my parents. Hope you enjoy!
Tulipa Purple Crystal |
Fritillaria persica Adiyaman |
Tulipa Shirley |
Tulipa Mount Tacoma |
Tulipa Purple Crystal |
Tulipa Mount Tacoma |
Tulipa Dream Touch |
Tulipa Flaming Flag |
Tulipa Angelique |
Tulipa Shirley |
I created these two borders in the middle of the garden last September. Before, it was all lawn there. At the end of the borders I positioned a bank, which at the same time is a rose arch. When I started the borders last year, my parents told me that the borders looked like graves. However, I personally really like the borders and I am sure that as soon as the plants have established and grown to a certain hight, the borders will look great. I already imagine myself walking through the two borders and also enjoying the plants while sitting on the bank. I planted many old roses in the borders and also some peonies, alliums, lavender and other plants and can´t wait for them to bloom. I am really excited about how the borders will look some years from now. |
Usually I am not very fond of yellow plants, but I think this lime yellow blooms of Euphorbia characias look wonderful in combination with purple and dark red tulips. |

Tulipa Purple Crystal |
Tulipa Angelique |
Tulipa Shirley |
Tulipa Dream Touch |
some auricluas |
Primula Auricula Dark Eyes |
Primula Auricula Gwenda |
Best wishes,