Mittwoch, 24. Mai 2017

May Roses

Dear readers,
for me this is truly the most wonderful time of the year! Every day a new rose opens its buds and transforms the garden into a beautiful sea of colour. And then there is also this wonderful rose smell, just lovely! One of my roses, "Captain John Ingram", a moss rose, I am especially happy about this year. I bought it two years ago and the first year it only had two blooms as it was still a rather small plant. The next year, last year, I was looking forward to seeing more blooms of this beautiful rose. However, I was very disappointed to see that the rose had only one flower. I was pondering about what I did wrong. Doing some research on old roses, I realised that being a once blooming rose I should´t have pruned it back in spring as once blooming roses only produce flowers on old wood. This year I didn´t prune Captain John Ingram and it produced many buds, some of them already in flower. There is another rose, which I especially enjoy - Archiduchesse Elisabeth d´Austriche. I bought the rose last year in autumn. I had never seen the rose in any garden before, just saw a picture of it´s bloom in the online-catalog. Seeing its pretty peony-like blooms for the first time this spring, I am very happy I  bought it. Its smell is delicious too.  I would love to know which roses you like best and which roses bloom in your garden at the moment!
Enjoy this wonderful season of the year!
Best wishes,

David Austin Rosa Princess Anne
Princess Anne on my mum´s terrace
Princess Anne
Rosa Louise Odier
Rosa Reine des Violettes
Rosa Reine des Violettes
Rosa Reine des Violettes
Rosa Archiduchesse Elisabeth d´Austriche
Rosa Archiduchesse Elisabeth d´Austriche
Rosa Archiduchesse Elisabeth d´Austriche

Rosa Archiduchesse Elisabeth d´Austriche
Rosa Archiduchesse Elisabeth d´Austriche
Rosa Archiduchesse Elisabeth d´Austriche

Rosa Rosa Archiduchesse Elisabeth d´Austriche
Rosa Captain John Ingram
Rosa Captain John Ingram
Rosa Jacques Cartier
Rosa Jacques Cartier

David Austin Rosa Harlow Carr
David Austin Rosa Harlow Carr

Rosa Variegata di Bologna
Rosa Variegata di Bologna
Rosa Variegata di Bologna
Rosa Mme Boll
Rosa Mme Boll
Rosa Heidi Klum

Rosa Heidi Klum
Rosa Heidi Klum

Lychnis viscaria Plena

Lychnis flos-cuculi Petite Jenny
Gypsophila repens

7 Kommentare:

  1. Good morning dear Lisa,
    What a beautiful roses are growing in your garden. I wish I had space enough. I want them all (fun). A feast to my eyes!!
    Have a wonderful day.
    Rosehugs Marijke

    1. Good morning dear Marijke,
      yes, would´t it be wonderful to have endless space for roses!
      Thanks, I wish you a wonderful day as well!
      Best wishes,

  2. Dear Lisa, wow your roses are stunning! I am pleased to hear you learned about pruning old roses. That is what gardening is about, making mistakes and learn from it! Mme Boll was highly recommended by a German visitor. The colour looks fine, is it a reliable one? Groetjes Hetty

    1. Dear Hetty,
      thank you! Yes, I can totally recommend Mme Boll! It is one of my favourites and I have three plants of it. I absolutely love it! I got my first Mme Boll about three years ago. It is a rather small rose with many beautiful and delicious smelling blooms. It is also said to be the most reliable one of the Portland roses.It is a rose that repeats flowering. However, in my small garden I planted it next to two large climbing roses where it is rather shady and Mme Boll does not repeat that well there(very few blooms after the main flush in spring) and it is not as bushy as it could probably be. I planted two Mme Boll roses in the borders in the big garden last year. There they get much more sun and they look very compact and bushy there. So, I would recommend you to plant it in a sunny area of your garden if possible.
      Best wishes,

  3. Your roses are absolutely gorgeous! To me the rounded cupped form packed full of petals is the epitome of a rose. I don't think I've seen Petit Jenny before. It's so charming.

  4. OOhh loveley collection of pink roses ...I can smell them from my screen...and your other flowers ♥ i know many plants, but never seen such a Lychnis


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